A Health Conscious Shift

This year has ultimately been an incredible test of strength and character, no doubt. I've peaked at so many highs and plummeted to so many lows, more times that I care to admit. In this, I've found out where my mind goes when I daydream, what I care about right now - this moment.

Photo: Katie, Twist of Lemons

My health is something I've obviously cared about all of my life, but in a much different way than I do now. Now, I am so conscious of what I'm eating and putting into my body (something I never used to think twice about). Let me be completely transparent, though. That does not mean that I don't indulge in some Kraft mac n cheese every now and then (it's just too freaking good) but I am paying attention more. I'm opening my eyes, I'm reading the nutrition labels, I'm listening to my body and how I feel after I eat certain foods.

Photo: Katie, Twist of Lemons

It's a process and journey that I've been excited about joining and that I will continue (God willing) for the rest of my life. I've been so lucky to have a significant other who is whole heartedly on this journey with me, and puts up with me and my wild ideas no questions asked.

I wanted to share a few lovely ladies that I have connected with beyond measure during this journey, in hopes that maybe it will inspire you to take just a few extra minutes out of your day and think about what you're putting in your body.

  • Katie from Twist of Lemons. Katie is my ultimate girl crush, and is a huge source of inspiration for my change of lifestyle. If there is anyone you should check out, it's her. Did I mention she is the queen of puns?

There are many more I check in with daily, but the ladies above are some that I have come to respect dearly, as they are so incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about eating and living a healthy lifestyle. 

I hope to share recipes and ideas as I transition into this new lifestyle. Cheers to this beautiful life that we can create and mold into whatever our hearts desire. 


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