June Favorites

Happy Sunday!

How is June almost over? I'm one of those people who count down the days left of winter, grasping onto any glisten of warm anything to keep me chugging through the snow. Now it's almost July and I'm wishing the days would slow down so that summer doesn't whiz by before I know it.

I've decided to jot down some of my favorites each month. I'm not sure what this might consist of; beauty, food, hair products, decor, randoms, etc. Knowing me they will probably just be a hodge podge of randoms! Here are my favorites for this month.

Calvin Klein Mascara

Happy Tuesday!

My birthday shopping sprees have unfortunately come to an end. (As they should, let's be honest.) However I am one for taking advantage of free birthday goodies. My boyfriend said I was one of "Those People" because most people don't ever go collect them. Not the case here!

Cheeky shopping trip!

I know everyone is guilty of it, but how long can the excuse of "It's my birthday!" really work? Although I think it's all subjective and we should wake up feeling like it's our birthday every morning, I used that excuse for my mini shopping spree today! (And it isn't even my birthday yet!) 

First Blog Post!

Hey guys!

My name is Elizabeth and welcome to my blog! I've been interested in blogging for a while now, but never really thought anything I had to say was interesting or that anyone else would ever want to read it. I still think that way, but I've decided to take the plunge into the blogging world anyway! 

This will probably end up being a word / photo vomit of everything I love and am interested in, inspiration, my favorite recipes and photos of my kitten, Binx. 

Please stick with me as I venture and figure this little thing out!